Sanctity of Life Sunday

This Sunday, January 21, 2024, is Sanctity of Life Sunday.  Because I preach through Bible books like I’m doing now with Proverbs, I don’t focus my preaching on the various “special Sundays” on denominational calendars.  There are simply too many special Sundays to cover, and we would simply go from...

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Abortion and the Church

I am pro-life. Completely. Totally. Absolutely.  I believe abortion is wrong. Period. I state that right up front because I want you to know where I stand. I am occasionally criticized for not preaching on it often enough or for not “observing” Sanctity of Life Sunday in my message on the...

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An Open Letter to Democrats

Congratulations! Your party has won the presidency as well as control of the Senate and the House.  That puts a significant responsibility on your shoulders for leadership in our country.  And though I have many policy differences with you, I want you to know that my prayers are with you. ...

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