Anger and Controversy in the Church

Let’s fight. Or not. There are a thousand things to get mad about in today’s world, and the almost instantaneous and twenty-four news cycles and onslaughts of social media throw these things in our face constantly.  If we’re not careful and prayerful, these controversies ignite anger, division, and broken relationships...

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Do We Believe the Bible . . . Or Just Preach It?

There are many points of doctrine and church practice in which there is ample room for differences of interpretation and opinion.  I can articulate my opinion and others can explain their idea of what Scripture teaches, and we can depart as friends and coworkers for the cause of Christ, even...

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What Makes ABC Different?

This article first appeared in our weekly newsletter in 2019.  I’ve updated it for 2024. I had a good question posed to me this week. “What makes your church different than any other church?” I want to answer it carefully, for I never really like to compare our church to...

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Sanctity of Life Sunday

This Sunday, January 21, 2024, is Sanctity of Life Sunday.  Because I preach through Bible books like I’m doing now with Proverbs, I don’t focus my preaching on the various “special Sundays” on denominational calendars.  There are simply too many special Sundays to cover, and we would simply go from...

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Keeping the “Holy” in the “Holidays”

It’s now November, and families and churches are beginning to plan the holidays, if they haven’t done so already.  There’s a lot to think about.  Are we serving traditional food or doing something different?  Are last year’s decorations good enough or do we need something more?  Are we traveling (to...

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Should Women Be Quiet in Church?

There is a debate in Christian circles about the role of women in church life and worship.  (Actually, it’s been a debate for as long as I’ve been a pastor.)  The issue I want to deal with in this blog is simple and came up again a few weeks ago...

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