Keeping the “Holy” in the “Holidays”

It’s now November, and families and churches are beginning to plan the holidays, if they haven’t done so already.  There’s a lot to think about.  Are we serving traditional food or doing something different?  Are last year’s decorations good enough or do we need something more?  Are we traveling (to...

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An Open Letter to the Arizona Diamondbacks

This season promises to be an exciting one for your (and my) Arizona Diamondbacks.  If the early results continue, the Diamondbacks may make a strong push for the playoffs and maybe even win their division.  That’s a very good thing! But I have an issue—a serious one—with a decision you...

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The Good News About Abortion

Last week, a leak from the United States Supreme Court indicated that the court may be considering reversing Roe v. Wade, which made abortion widely available.  We don’t know yet how the courts will officially rule.  And if they do overturn that case, we are not yet certain what the...

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An Open Letter to Men

Sexual harassment.  Flirtation.  Inappropriate touching.  Obscene comments.  Questionable remarks.  Improper advances.  Suggestive compliments.  The news has been full—repeatedly—of stories in which men in positions of power and leadership have treated women inappropriately.  Some of the stories detail conduct that can—and should—lead to criminal charges.  Some of the stories detail conduct...

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Happy Thanksgiving From President Lincoln

We trace the history of Thanksgiving in the United States of America to 1621, when the Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest in the New world.  It was a three-day feast attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims.  It was celebrated by our nation on-and-off from 1789, when President Washington...

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Love Your Wife After You’re Gone

I love my wife. I met Dawn when I was 14.  By age 16, I was, to use a word from the old movie Bambi, hopelessly twitterpated.  We dated for 4 years, and we have now been married for over 40 years. I love her, and I would do anything...

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An Open Letter to President Trump

Dear Mr. President; One of the things I teach as a pastor, a father, a grandfather, and a volunteer basketball coach is that we need to respect our national leaders.  I believe that this is Biblical, moral, and a necessary ingredient of a healthy democracy.  As a result, I teach...

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Abusive Relationships

The words of a prominent Southern Baptist leader (made several years ago but brought to public attention in the last few weeks) has caused a firestorm of anger, accusations, debate, and defense.  The leader essentially said that in the case of physical abuse, a woman should rely upon prayer and...

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Rape and College Campuses

The media this week has deservedly put great attention on a story coming out of Stanford University.  A male college athlete raped an unconscious drunk female after a party.  The convicted rapist made the news for never admitting to the crime despite overwhelming evidence.  The victim made the news because of an incredible and moving 42 minute...

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