The Man In The Dumpster

On Monday, I heard the beep of the intercom on my phone.  I was expecting the standard, “John Doe is here to see you” or “You have a call on line 1.”  Instead, the message was totally unexpected, “Hey, Pastor Jack.  Holly says there’s a man in our dumpster.  Can you check it...

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Another Sex Scandal?

Three sex scandals are in the news this week; unfortunately, that’s about normal by a Tuesday.  One deals with a candidate for president, one deals with a young musician, and the other deals with a college football program.  I’m thankful that none of the three deals with a church . . ....

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What’s My Real Job?

I get the question often.  Sometimes it’s in jest from a church member, “So you only work on Sundays, right?”  At other times it comes from someone outside of the church that thinks of a church as “open” only on Sunday mornings, “I know you’re a pastor, but what’s your...

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Dare Greatly

Two weeks ago, the members of Estrella Falls Baptist Church (our Goodyear congregation) decided to stop meeting.  Most of these members have started attending FSBCA.  It was a tough decision and a hard decision.  It was not a decision that any of us enjoyed making or that we made lightly. But we did not fail.  In our...

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Race Matters, Especially In The Church

I read a disturbing blog today about race and the church, and I’ve been thinking about it all day long.  Essentially, the blogger (Ed Stetzer) reminded me that churches are still far too segregated in many ways: Over 90% of churches in the United States are racially segregated, with 80% or more of the congregation comprised...

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The Value of a Good Movie

I love a good movie.  But let’s be honest about it; seldom do we agree on the definition of “good.”  For some people, a good movie is set in the old west.  (Especially if it stars John Wayne!)  For my daughters, the best movies are musicals with love stories.  One of my...

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Getting Practical

Many years ago, a perceptive church member came up to me after my preaching and said, “Good message, Pastor, but what are we supposed to do?”  Apparently, I had proven my point but I did not give a very strong personal application.  Since that time, I always close my sermons with...

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That’s Why We Do It!

Thursday evening of Vacation Bible School is one of the toughest but most rewarding evenings of the year.  It’s tough because the workers are tired.  Most of us have worked full time jobs for eight or more hours each day and then we’ve rushed to church to spend another 3-4 hours (or more)...

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The Value of Teens in Ministry

In my early years of ministry, I took 1 Timothy 4:12 as a verse written to me, “Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.”  I’m now 53 years...

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I Love Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is an old-fashioned idea.  I’m now 53 years old, and I can’t remember not going to a church with a Vacation Bible School.  In any church I’ve been a part of, it has been an important part of the church’s culture. Oh, the details have changed.  We hold ours...

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