Colin, I respect your right to take a stand by choosing not to stand during the National Anthem. I admire the fact that you have a social conscience and the desire to speak to the issues of our day. I recognize that we still have some serious racial divides and issues in...
Ten Commandments for Christian Voters
I preached on Sunday, August 21, on A Christian Response to Government and Politics. In part, I taught that Christians must operate with a much higher standard than do politicians, and even the way we do politics (which is often a very dirty business) must be done according to the ethics of...
Our Deepest Sympathy . . . and Indignation
This was originally published in the FSBCA Weekly. It has since been moved to this blog. I knew it was coming, but it still infuriated me when it did. There are enough people on the “lunatic fringe” of Christianity that it was inevitable. A California pastor posted a video on...
Rape and College Campuses
The media this week has deservedly put great attention on a story coming out of Stanford University. A male college athlete raped an unconscious drunk female after a party. The convicted rapist made the news for never admitting to the crime despite overwhelming evidence. The victim made the news because of an incredible and moving 42 minute...
How To Leave A Church With Integrity
This may just be the strangest blog I’ve ever written. It’s on a topic that I hope you never need to use, “How to leave a church with integrity.” I will start with some honesty. I don’t like it when members decide to go to another church. It hurts my pride...
Religious Liberty and Politics
I believe in religious liberty. I don’t just believe in religious liberty for Christians. I believe in religious liberty for all people. So I am deeply frustrated when politicians make statements that indicate that they don’t understand religious liberty. I’m offended when candidates say they want to refuse to accept...
Choosing a Candidate
It is well known at FSBCA that I don’t endorse candidates in my position as a pastor. My role is to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus, to lead the church, and to show God’s love to members and people in the community. I don’t ever want my political opinions to...
Religious Freedom and Kentucky
I’ve been asked many times recently my opinion about Kim Davis, the Kentucky County Clerk who was jailed (but now released) for her refusal to issue marriage licenses for gay couples as ordered by the courts. She went so far as to refuse to issue any marriage licenses at all,...
Is Baptism Necessary?
I continue to answer questions submitted by FSBCA members, and I must admit that I’ve received many good questions, far more than can be answered in Sunday morning sermons this month. (I’m glad to pastor a church of curious-I-want-to-know-the-truth kind of people!) Many of these questions will be answered in...
Multiple Wives
In my current sermon series, I’m answering questions submitted by FSBCA members. I won’t have time to answer all of them in a sermon, so I will be answering some of them in my blog. Here’s a good question that came in: If God’s plan was and is for one...