• A Christian Approach to “Dreamers”

    This blog was inspired by a friend and church member–and a fine human being–who is a DACA recipient. You can call them “dreamers.”  I like that. Or you can call them “DACA recipients,” though that sounds overly bureaucratic. But let’s not call them aliens, which makes them sound weird and otherworldly. And...

  • A Christian Perspective on Earth Day

    Earth Day (April 22) isn’t normally considered a Christian holiday. I think it should be. The Bible starts off with “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Unfortunately, the Christian world has spent way too much time and energy arguing the specifics of that creation, and too...

  • What We’ve Learned About The Homeless

    We began a homeless ministry in January, and we have housed from 2-10 people each night since then, using the existing facilities of 8 different churches.  This IHELP model (Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program) offers our homeless guests up to 90 days in a shelter, with showers, dinners, brown-bag-lunches-to-go, and...

  • Social Media

    I am often on Facebook and Twitter, and I enjoy it.  (I also try and keep up with my kids and grandkids on Instagram and Snapchat, but I don’t post much there.)  I use social media for fun, to communicate to people important to me, to promote my faith, beliefs,...

  • Love Costs

    I was looking for the right image, artwork, or photograph for this blog, so I googled “love” and I looked at the resulting images trying to find what I wanted.   There were hearts.  Flowers.  Couples kissing.  Children holding hands.  Picnics.  Puppies.  Sunrises and sunsets.  Diamond rings. All of them beautiful...

  • Why I’ve Stayed

    I had an interesting interview a couple of weeks ago.  A doctoral student was conducting research, wanting to find out why a few pastors are able to stay in the same church for many years.  He knew I had been here at FSBCA for 17 and a half years.  He started by saying...

  • An Open Letter to President-Elect Donald Trump

    Dear President-Elect Trump: Congratulations on winning the presidential Election! To be honest, I was among the many Americans who were frustrated with the choice between you and Clinton.  Neither one of you gave me great hope.  Nevertheless, before the election, I made some commitments to the winning candidate.  I want you to...

  • An Open Letter to our New President

    Dear Mr(s). President: I write this well before the election, because I don’t want you to think that this letter is overly personal.  The things that I say and the prayer that I offer applies to you whether your name is Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. I must be honest.  I have...

  • Politics for Believers

    I admit it.  I was getting cranky and frustrated—and maybe even a little bit angry—during this very strange presidential election.  The lies, the filth, the innuendos, and the name-calling by the candidates were deeply disturbing to me.  And the angry posts from believers (and friends) on Facebook were getting to...

  • Honoring Police Officers

    It’s popular to trash talk and put down police departments and officers in America today.  A few NFL players (see my previous blog) have refused to stand during the National Anthem due to perceived racism in police departments.  Riots in both small and large American cities have focused their anger on the police.   This growing...