Like most Americans, I have prayed deeply for the families in Connecticut who lost children. I have been angered by the evil that seems ever present, and I have recommitted myself to preaching the truths of God’s love and the gospel of Jesus Christ. While thinking and praying, the words...
First Hand Look at our Justice System
As many of you know, I recently completed a four month stint on a Maricopa County Grand Jury. A Grand Jury is different from a trial jury. Instead of determining guilt or innocence in just one case, we were determining probable cause for many cases and then issuing indictments when...
I’m Thankful For . . .
I wrote this primarily for me, for I find it quite helpful for me to count my blessings. Nevertheless, I thought that some of you might find it helpful to read as a springboard for your own time of thanksgiving. This is by no mean an exhaustive list, for the more I...
Another Leader Failed.
Another major American leader had his career destroyed this week when an adulterous affair was revealed. And at this point, no one knows for sure just how far this investigation will go. Are there others involved? Has a culture of cheating invaded every aspect of American life? Even a cursory...
My New President
Note: I’m purposely writing this post before I know the results of the election. Although I have strong opinions about politics and I take my role as a voter very seriously, I have not publicly declared for either candidate. My comments apply, no matter which of the two men win...
Faith and Generosity at the Auto Dealer
Its rewarding to see Christianity at work at church, but its even more rewarding to see it in a business. Did you read about the retiring auto dealer? Howard Cooper of Ann Arbor, Michigan, did more than just say goodbye to his employees when he sold his dealership and retired....
Update on Racism Remains
On Sunday, the church I mentioned in my last blog (First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs, Mississsippi) read an apology decided upon by the leaders of the church admitting that they shouldn’t have asked a black family to move their wedding. While it was certainly a step in the right...
Racism Remains
Like many other Southern Baptists, I read with dismay of the situation that occured at First Baptist Church in Crystal Springs, Mississippi. A black couple who had been attending the church wanted to get married. They scheduled the ceremony and even had the rehearsal on a Thursday night, just two days...
Murder and Mayhem in the USA
A news article arrested my attention this morning. It featured a Chicago Funeral Director proclaiming “These Kids Don’t Expect To Live a Full Life” anymore. In his neighborhood, violence and murder are so common that many kids he talks to expect to die young in a violent death. It’s just part of their...
The SBC and Racial Prejudice
It’s a dirty little secret that really isn’t much of a secret, but our denomination (the Southern Baptist Convention) was formed in a region and in an era of extreme racial prejudice. Many of our churches openly practiced discrimination and segregation for years, and many of our churches were on the...