DISCLAIMER: I’ve been preaching, teaching, and writing the same things since the late 1980’s. Over the years, I’ve offended both Democrats and Republicans, but I’m not purposely picking on one candidate or party. Instead, I am calling on the church to demand candidates and leaders of integrity and to quit...
My Prayers For The United States Congress
The 2024 election is over except for the final tallies. We will soon have a new President and new Senators and new Congressmen. I’m hoping and praying that the new legislature will do their job—make and pass laws—and do so quickly. There are multiple issues (many of which are primarily...
Guest Blog From Tina Giles: God Loves Moms, Too
We’re closing in on a major election, and one of the issues taking the spotlight is a woman’s right to abortion. I’ve been scanning the flyers that land in my mailbox and the texts that come to my phone, and I’ve noticed a trend. One side emphasizes protection of unborn...
I Have Cancer
I have cancer. For many, that is an incredibly scary statement. Cancer can lead to months and even years of treatment. Some of the “cures” (radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery) are difficult to endure. Patients often experience painful treatment, nausea, loss of weight and hair, removal of body parts, loss of...
My Hopes and Prayers for the 2024 Election
I don’t preach candidates or political parties. I tell no one (other than my family) who I am voting for—not because I’m ashamed of it but because I want the focus of my life and church to be on Jesus and His gospel rather than on national policy and candidates. ...
An Open Letter to Southern Baptists
Southern Baptists, there is something we need to recognize, even if we don’t want to and we don’t like it. Right now, we don’t have the greatest reputation outside of our own circle. I’m not a critical outsider. I am a Southern Baptist. I’ve attended a Southern Baptist Church for...
An Open Letter to Southern Baptists about Women in Leadership
I was disappointed by the Southern Baptist Convention voting once again that a church with women pastors was “not in friendly cooperation” with Southern Baptists. The church in question this year (First Baptist of Alexandria, Virginia) has several pastors, including a female “Pastor for Women and Children” and a male...
Abortion is a “Hot Issue.” Where Do I Stand?
I’m a pastor. Not a lawyer. Here’s what that means for me and how I interpret my calling. I teach the Bible in an effort to make disciples of Jesus. I want people to believe in Jesus, to know Jesus, to follow Jesus, and to live and love like Jesus....
Anger and Controversy in the Church
Let’s fight. Or not. There are a thousand things to get mad about in today’s world, and the almost instantaneous and twenty-four news cycles and onslaughts of social media throw these things in our face constantly. If we’re not careful and prayerful, these controversies ignite anger, division, and broken relationships...
Do We Believe the Bible . . . Or Just Preach It?
There are many points of doctrine and church practice in which there is ample room for differences of interpretation and opinion. I can articulate my opinion and others can explain their idea of what Scripture teaches, and we can depart as friends and coworkers for the cause of Christ, even...