What Does the Bible say about the Vaccine?

Let me start with a disclosure:  I have been vaccinated, and I encourage others to be vaccinated.  If you’re looking for an anti-vaccination statement, you won’t find it here.  I know that you can find many of my fellow evangelicals and conservatives who disagree with me.  But as I’ve said...

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A Strong Warning

I’m not sure when Christians in Arizona stopped fighting and began embracing legal and public gambling. Perhaps it started when Arizona voted to approve a lottery in November of 1980.  Perhaps it began in 1988 when Congress passed the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act to promote self-sufficiency and economic development for...

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An Open Letter to Men

Sexual harassment.  Flirtation.  Inappropriate touching.  Obscene comments.  Questionable remarks.  Improper advances.  Suggestive compliments.  The news has been full—repeatedly—of stories in which men in positions of power and leadership have treated women inappropriately.  Some of the stories detail conduct that can—and should—lead to criminal charges.  Some of the stories detail conduct...

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Happy Thanksgiving From President Lincoln

We trace the history of Thanksgiving in the United States of America to 1621, when the Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest in the New world.  It was a three-day feast attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims.  It was celebrated by our nation on-and-off from 1789, when President Washington...

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The Good Samaritan Retold

Most people have heard the story of the Good Samaritan.  It may be the most widely known of all of Jesus’ parables. What you may not know is that the story was particularly and even purposely offensive to the religious leaders of Jesus’ day.  The “experts in the law,” the “priests,”...

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Happy Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day. It isn’t normally considered a Christian holiday.  But I think it should be. Unfortunately, I have some Christian friends who consider Earth Day as an anti-Christian holiday, because they lump anything from the environmental movement into the “anti-god and almost atheistic” category.  I have many Republican...

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The Christian and Civil Disobedience

Twice in my recent sermon series (Basic Christian Growth, based on the Book of Acts) and once in my Christmas series (when we got to the Magi), I made a comment that raised some eyebrows.  I said, “If there is a conflict between the law of the land and the...

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