My New President

Note:  I’m purposely writing this post before I know the results of the election.  Although I have strong opinions about politics and I take my role as a voter very seriously, I have not publicly declared for either candidate.  My comments apply, no matter which of the two men win...

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Murder and Mayhem in the USA

A news article arrested my attention this morning.  It featured a Chicago Funeral Director proclaiming “These Kids Don’t Expect To Live a Full Life” anymore.  In his neighborhood, violence and murder are so common that many kids he talks to expect to die young in a violent death.  It’s just part of their...

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The SBC and Racial Prejudice

It’s a dirty little secret that really isn’t much of a secret, but our denomination (the Southern Baptist Convention) was formed in a region and in an era of extreme racial prejudice.  Many of our churches openly practiced discrimination and segregation for years, and many of our churches were on the...

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Condemnation of Norway Shooting

When terrorists attacked the World Trade towers, Americans rightly called upon Muslim leaders to condemn the acts, since the terrorists were followers of Islam.  And there was a considerable amount of consternation when the condemnations weren’t forthcoming or when they were couched in guarded terms.  My respect for those leaders...

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Faith, Politics, and Religious Freedom

A candidate for president whom I otherwise respect said something this week that should cause all Americans–and especially all Christians–to stop and think seriously about our freedom of religion.  He said that communities should “have the right” to ban Muslim Mosques if they so choose.  And he was warmly applauded...

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