We talk about Jesus repeatedly in our church. We want everyone to know that Jesus is the center of all that we do. We are excited to be Baptists, but we are far more excited to be believers in and followers of Jesus Christ.

Here are our beliefs about Jesus:
God has always existed, and Jesus has always existed with God.
God created a perfect heaven and earth.
We sinned against God, allowing pain, suffering, and death to enter the earth.
Because God loves us, He sent His son, Jesus, to take the penalty for our sins.
Jesus was born of the virgin Mary in Bethlehem on the first Christmas.
Though He was tempted in every way, He lived a sinless life.
Like us, He experienced the joy and hardships of life.
He taught, loved, healed, and called men and women to believe in and follow Him.
He was crucified on a cross, offering Himself as a substitute for our sins.
On the third day, He rose from the grave, proving that He is God and that He has power over life and death.
He ascended into heaven, promising to return.
He equipped and empowered His church to make disciples of anyone who will turn from their sins and believe in Him.
Everyone who believes in Him is given a life worth living here on Earth and eternal life in heaven. We don't earn this life; we are given it by the grace of God. Because God has given us this gift of eternal life, we follow Jesus. We obey His commands. We gather together to worship. We love others. We communicate our belief to others. We wait in anticipation of His return. Though people often put their faith in Jesus during a church worship service, it can be done anywhere at anytime. Many people have expressed this faith in God in a prayer like this one: