The Christian and the Old Testament

In my sermon series on “Questions:  A Study of 1 Thessalonians,” I encouraged our members to submit Biblical questions to me.  The first question I received was a good one. The question was worded, “We pick and choose sections from the Bible to live by (i.e. we don’t follow Leviticus)....

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Old-Fashioned Christianity

It’s old-fashioned.  Most people wouldn’t consider it exciting.  We don’t serve food.  The chairs aren’t the softest.  The music is old-style, right out of the hymnal, with only piano accompaniment. Interested in attending? I’m talking about our Wednesday evening prayer meeting.  We don’t put a lot of advance effort into...

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I Have A Goal

It’s not unusual for me to set goals.  I set them all the time.  They help me think through what I should be accomplishing.  They help me know where I’m going.  And they help me devise strategies to meet those goals. But this goal is a little unusual. My goal...

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Some people think I’m just cheap, and after you read this blog, you might agree with them. However, I think of it differently.  I’ve learned to be content without constantly buying new things.  I had to learn to do without in my early-married years when Dawn and I both worked...

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Uncommon Courtesy

Common courtesy is no longer common. We were taught it. Or at least I was. I was taught to treat people—all people—with a basic level of respect. They didn’t have to earn it, because it wasn’t about them. It was about me and my character. Common courtesy was to be...

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Social Media Ethics

I am often on Facebook and Twitter.  For the most part, I enjoy using social media, and I use them for fun, to communicate with people who are important to me, and to promote my faith, beliefs, thoughts, actions, politics, and even my favorite sports teams.  While online, I am...

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Dumpster Boy

Last year, I blogged about a young man living in our dumpster behind the church.  He had a host of issues that led him to our dumpster.  He had major family issues.  He didn’t know his biological family and his foster family was unable and unwilling to care for him...

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Using Technology For God and Good

Christians have been using technology from the beginning.  We were among the first to employ scribes to repeatedly copy the Bible.  We were among the very first to use the printing press and later the radio. Our missionary organizations have been using airplanes for decades.  And most churches I visit use...

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Life In The First Century

Several people have asked for a copy of my Christmas Eve sermon.  We didn’t record it, since we met in the gym.  This is an abridged, after Christmas, version of those remarks.  The night that Jesus was born was a holy and special night like no other in the history...

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Bells For Connecticut

Like most Americans, I have prayed deeply for the families in Connecticut who lost children. I have been angered by the evil that seems ever present,  and I have recommitted myself to preaching the truths of God’s love and the gospel of Jesus Christ.  While thinking and praying, the words...

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