September 4 Edition

ABC and Politics

There’s an ongoing debate about whether churches should be political.  Technically, it violates a church’s non-profit status to endorse a candidate, but that has been challenged in the courts.  And it’s a live issue because some churches in the Phoenix area allow their buildings to be used for political rallies.  (These churches maintain distance by “renting” and not “hosting.”)  Still, though, it is perceived as an implied endorsement.

I do not endourse candidates or political parties.  I want you to know what this means and why I made this choice. 

Pastor Jackd

How To Study a Book of the Bible

Here's Lesson One. Join us on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm or watch videos afterwards.

How To Serve at ABC

It has nothing to do with tennis–the picture is just a play on words.  Serving is not complicated.  It’s using your talents and god-given gifting to do God’s work.  If you work with children or teens, we will ask you to complete a background check.  Other than that, let us know and we will sign you up or get you training.  Here are some current needs.

Welcome Team (Join us after either service this Sunday, Sep 8)

Project Connect (email [email protected])

Basketball Coach, Referee, or Scorekeeper (email [email protected])

Photographer at Church and Events (email [email protected])

Receptionists ([email protected])

Drama (For a Christmas Series) ([email protected])

Did You Miss ABC at the Movies?

The Forge is still showing in theaters, and it comes highly recommended by our staff and members.   And it was great to see that it was enjoyed by seniors, teens, and children!  Not many movies can do that! 

ABC members had a great time (as you can see from the video) of fellowship and watching the movie together.

The movie reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and CinemaScore are great!

We recommend you watch the movie while it’s still in theaters!

A Great Way to Serve!

We want members and guests to feel good about attending ABC, so it’s time to expand our team and train all members!  We will do a “quick 15 minute” training after each service on Sunday, September 8.

What does a welcome team do?  Smile, greet, hand out bulletins and envelopes, seat people, direct people to the worship center, the rest rooms, and the nursery.  AND, thank them for coming after the service.

The only qualifications are dependability, availabliity, and the ability to show your love to people.  Serve every Sunday or one Sunday per month!

Another Great Way to Serve!

Project Connect is a “one-stop” ministry project for homeless and “near homeless” people.  It is hosted at ABC in partnership with the City of Avondale and dozens of non-profit and government organizations.  It provides breakfast and lunch, medical care, backpacks, hygiene supplies, haircuts, pet supplies, bus passes, substance abuse helps, showers, clothing, prayer and spiritual support, and connection to MVD for identification and to DES for other needs.

ABC members provide much of the volunteer help on that day.  It is held in our gym, alpha buildings, and east parking lot.  If you would like to help on September 26, please contact [email protected].

WAC in the MAC

Food.  Fellowship.  Ministry.  Prayer.  Bible Study.  Choir.  And it all happens every Wednesday evening!  

This week, for example, the homeless ministry opens at 4:00 pm.  The meal for everyone begins at 5:30, followed by prayer.  At 6:30 pm, we offer Bible classes for all ages from nursery through adults. And our Kids Choir and Adult Choir also practice!

This week’s meal:  Frito Pie, Salad, and Brownies..  

Youth and Childrens Study on Sunday

Prayer Meeting Online and In Person!

We meet for prayer every Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in conjunction with our Wednesday meal.  We also have an online prayer group meeting on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm.  You can join prayer meeting via zoom by following this link.  

Food Distribution, September 4, 8:00 am

WAC (Wednesday at Church), September 4, 5:30 pm

How To Study a Book of the Bible, September 4, 6:30  pm

BBQ Mission Returns on September 11 at 11:00 am 

Basketball Signup Day, September 14

Women’s Study Begins, September 17

Women’s Fun & Game Day, September 21

Youth DNOW, September 20-21

Project Connect, September 26

Fall Festival, October 27, 2:00 – 5:00 pm