March 5

Better Than Good

You can tell from the list of ministries and events that we have a lot going on at ABC between now and Easter.  There will be many good events.

But I’m praying for better than good.

There’s a Biblical phrase that spells out what I want to see as we approach Easter.  Listen to my devotional to understand what’s on my heart.

Pastor Jack

Two Special Sunday Nights!

What Does The Bible Say?

For too long, we’ve let politicians and extremists on both sides of the aisle determine what we think about important issues.  The question believers should ask–always–is, “What does the Bible teach?”  When we do look into what the Bible teaches, we have to be careful not to “proof text” by looking for a verse that helps us to justify our own opinion derived from other sources.

With that in mind, I attempt to answer an important question for our generaton, “What does the Bible teach about the environment?”  Read my thoughts on my blog at abcaz.net/blog.  

Holy Week Events

“Holy Week” refers to the week in Jesus’ life from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.  We celebrate it with a variety of special events that help us remember and understand the week in which Jesus died and rose again.

All of these events are family friendly and are excellent introductions to our church for your friends and neighbors.  Invite a family to attend with you!  And put these events on your own calendar!

Church Picnic, Sunday, April 13:  The church will provide hamburgers and we ask you to bring a side dish to share.  (It can be as fancy as you like or as simple as a bag of chips!)  We have reserved grills and ramadas at Festival Fields Park beginning at 4:00, with our meal at 5:00 pm.  We often have baptisms on that day as well!

Lord’s Supper Around the Tables, Wednesday, April 16:  When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, He wasn’t in rows in a worship center.  He was around a table with His disciples.  We recreate that with a meal at 5:30 (excellent catered tacos!) and the Lord’s Supper Service at 6:30 pm.

Good Friday Prayer Walk, Friday, April 18:  “Good Friday” is the day in which Jesus was crucified.  We remember it with a prayer walk, stopping at various stations around the church to pray for our church, our families, our friends, and our nation.  The church will be open from 5:00 to 8:00 pm and families and individuals can come and walk through at their own pace and time.

Easter Services, Sunday, April 20, at 8:30 and 11:00 am.  We focus on the resurrection and celebrate together!  In between the  two services, we will have a ministry fair (with free coffee and donuts) showing off all of our various ministries and teams.  For us, Easter is the highight of the Christian year.  As you may have heard us say, Easter is to Christians what the Super Bowl is to the NFL.

A Special Note:  Why is Easter on a different date each year?  Most holidays are either  like Christmas (always on December 25) or Thanksgiving (always on the 4th Thursday of November).  The formula for Easter is based on the Jewish calendar since Jesus rose on the Sunday after the Jewish Passover.  When you translate the Jewish calendar to modern times, it works out that Easter is on the first Sunday after the first full moon that falls on or after the spring equinox.  The Spring Equinox is usually considered to be on March 21.  The next full moon after that is April 13.  So Easter falls on April 20 this year!

Basic Christian Beliefs Lesson 7

Miss a Service?

If you miss a service or want to review one again, both full worship videos and sermon  podcasts are available on our website!  Watch videos at www.abcaz.net/worship-videos and listen to podcasts at www.abcaz.net/sermons or wherever you listen to podcasts by searching for Pastor Jack Marslender.  

Dont Stop! There is still more!

Prayer Meeting Online and In Person!

We meet for prayer every Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in conjunction with our Wednesday meal.  We also have an online prayer group meeting on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm.  You can join prayer meeting via zoom by following this link.  

Parents there is a registration form that needs to be filled out for Zona. Please click here and register for camp. You will need to fill out all the forms. When asked for a church code put: Avondale2025 again if you have any questions please reach out.

Food Distribution, March 5, 8:00 am

BBQ Mission, March 5, 11:00 am

Family Night at Church, March 5, 5:30 pm

Deacon Ordination, April 6, 6:00 pm

Church Picnic, April 13

Lord’s Supper, April 16

Easter Sunday, April 20