December 4
Two Big Christmas Events!
Did You See That Angel?
Angels appear multiple times in Matthew and Luke as part of the Christmas Story, primarily as messengers to Zacharias, Mary, the Shepherds, and Joseph.
Angels have other roles in God’s work as well. And in today’s devotional, I talk about a role that has always intrigued me. The very thought of it keeps me on my toes.
I hope it does the same for you!
Pastor Jack
Sunday's Drama From December 1
William Caylor, Isaac Lewis, and Lexi Sanchez as the Shepherds.
Tax Credits for Contributions
Many of our partners are “Qualified Charitable Organizations.” Arizona gives a dollar-for-dollar credit, up to $440 per person/$938 per couple. You get back 100% of your gift, an when you file your taxes! The following partners qualify. They are listed with their webpage and tax code:
BBQ Mission, bbqmission.org, 22718
Lutheran Social Services (Specify it’s for IHELP), lss-sw.org, 20277
Mission of Mercy, amissionofmercy.org/arizona, 20941
St. Mary’s Food Bank, stmarysfoodbank.org, 20208
Pastor Jack and Dawn have given this way in addition to their tithes to ABC for many years. It works, and it’s easy to claim on your Arizona Taxes. Ask him for more information!
Youth Sunday School
Children Sunday School
Prayer Meeting Online and In Person!
We meet for prayer every Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in conjunction with our Wednesday meal. We also have an online prayer group meeting on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. You can join prayer meeting via zoom by following this link.
Food Distribution, December 4, 8:00 am
BBQ Mission, December 4, 11:00 am
Family Night at Church, December 4, 5:30 pm
God With Us, A Musical Celebration, December 8
Business Meeting, December 11
Angel Tree Christmas Party, December 21
Christmas Eve Service, December 24, 6:00 pm