Special Needs Ministry
LOVING PEOPLE is part of our mission at ABC. That includes ministering to individuals with special needs – and their families!
We believe that all people are created in the image of God. We want to offer environments that are welcoming to people of all abilities so that they can worship, learn, and grow to know Him better!
“That ALL people would know the good news of Jesus Christ and that disciples would be made.”

Prepare & Enrich Training
Please join us following the second service on Sunday, February 4, from 12:15 – 2:30 in the lower level to learn to “Prepare and Enrich” as we lead children and youth in our Sunday School classes!
September Wellmeyer from Joni and Friends will be leading this training to help us learn more about managing classrooms with OR without children with special needs! (This is great information for not only teachers, but for greeters, deacons all volunteers as we welcome all into our church.) Lunch will be provided! Please sign up at the table at the East entry!