Games Start September 28. Season Lasts Five Weeks.
Register Below or In Person, September 14, 9:00 - 11:00 am


Games and practices are at the same location, a quality gymnasium on church property.  Practices last for 1 hour and are held on Thursday nights. 
Coaches, referees, and time-keepers are all pre-screened volunteers who meet church guidelines for working with children and teens and who have passed a background test.  IMPORTANT:  If you would like to work in the league, get a copy of the background form from the church..
Our goals and standards for behavior are high.  We teach values, morals, and sportsmanship in addition to basketball.
We are a true co-recreational league.  Males and females are welcome on all teams and both benefit from our league.
We divide our children by age and we shift teams during the season as necessary so that competition is equal and everyone gets to experience winning and losing.
We do our best to teach new skills to the kids as the season progresses. Our over all goal is for the kids to learn and enjoy the game.
This is a free program. We work hard to make a difference in the lives of children in the Southwest Valley. 
We are openly Christian.  We do not insist that players come to church or share our beliefs, but we do practice our Christianity by showing love, having a devotion at every practice, praying at practices and at games, emphasizing Christian morality, and offering a full program of children and teen ministry at our church. 


Full Name(Required)
Parent / Guardian's Name