January 29
A Word to Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and "I Don't Cares"
It’s always scary for a Pastor to give what may be political advice. But when the advice is Biblical, it’s appropriate and even necessary.
The USA has just seen a political shift. Some Americans are happy. Others are upset or fearful. But there are two points of Biblical teaching that apply to all Jesus people. Listen in!
Pastor Jack
New Sunday Morning Class!
If you have been recently baptized . . . Or if you are new to following Jesus . . . Or if you are new to our church . . . Or if you are “stuck in a spiritual rut” . . . Or if you need a review of spiritual growth principles and you want to want to supercharge your growth as a believer . . .
Whatever your situation, we are adding a new class that will be taught occasionally. The first “Survival Kit” class will be taught by Jon and Kendra Bearup beginning on Sunday, February 16, at 9:45 am. It will last for seven weeks and all are welcome!

Basic Christian Beliefs Lesson 1 & 2

Where Are Our Godly Leaders?
I started this blog with a disclaimer: I’ve preached and taught the same thing since the 1980’s. Over the years, I’ve offended members of both major political parties, but I’m not purposely picking on either. Instead, I am calling on the church to demand candidates and leaders of integrity and to quit playing political games and offering excuses.
My point is simple: “People of God should insist on candidates and leaders of Godly character and integrity.”
Read more at www.abcaz.net/blog

Miss a Service?
If you miss a service or want to review one again, both full worship videos and sermon podcasts are available on our website! Watch videos at www.abcaz.net/worship-videos and listen to podcasts at www.abcaz.net/sermons or wherever you listen to podcasts by searching for Pastor Jack Marslender.
Dont Stop! There is still more!
Prayer Meeting Online and In Person!
We meet for prayer every Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in conjunction with our Wednesday meal. We also have an online prayer group meeting on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. You can join prayer meeting via zoom by following this link.

Parents there is a registration form that needs to be filled out for Zona. Please click here and register for camp. You will need to fill out all the forms. When asked for a church code put: Avondale2025 again if you have any questions please reach out.

BBQ Mission, January 29, 11:00 am
Family Night at Church, January 29, 5:30 pm
Basic Christian Truth Class, January 29, 6:30 pm
Next Food Distribution, February 5
Benevolence Dinner & Fundraiser, February 23